Category Archives: Web Design

In the digital world, users use a variety of devices to access web content – smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktops to name just a few. This diversity raises an important challenge in web design: how to create a website optimized for different screen sizes and resolutions? This is where...

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Putting user experience (UX) at the center of web design is the key to engaging your visitors and getting the maximum benefit from your website. A user-centered approach requires understanding the needs, preferences and behaviors of site visitors and building an interactive, accessible and enjoyable website based on this...

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Search engine optimization, or SEO, is the practice of optimizing your website and its content so that it ranks higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). SEO-friendly content is content that is created with the goal of ranking well in search engines. But what makes content SEO-friendly? Keyword Research...

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UX ve UI tasarımı , her ikisinin de benzer telaffuza ve benzer işlevlere sahip olması nedeniyle öne çıkan ve çokça karıştırılan iki kavramdır. Dijital platformların yaygınlaşması ile birlikte UX ve UI tasarımının da önemini ortaya çıkmıştır. UX ve UI tasarımı farklılık gösterse de birbirine bağımlıdır ve birbirini tamamlar. Her...

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